Free Call: 1800 226 228

Want to work while on the DSP?         

If you get the Disability Support Pension (DSP), you can have paid work up to 29 hours a week.

You can do this without losing your DSP payment providing you meet the income test.

CoAct can support you to get work-ready and find a job that suits your individual needs. Our employment team can help you:

  • Build confidence and motivation to start your job search
  • Help with writing your resume and preparing for job interviews
  • Get the training and qualifications you need
  • Connect with local employers who understand your needs
  • Apply for suitable jobs in your local community

Plus you’ll also benefit from earning super, connecting with colleagues, contributing to society and finding fulfillment and purpose in what you do. 
Unsure if we can help or if you are eligible for our free services? Register your interest or speak with our team: 1800 226 228.

Register your interest

Are you an Australian citizen, permanent resident or hold a Temporary Protection, Special Category or Safe Haven Visa?


In most cases you can earn up to $180 a week from paid work and continue to receive your full DSP.
Working while on the DSP
Working on the DSP - job site


If you earn more than $180 through paid work, your DSP payment is reduced by 40 cents for every dollar you earn over $180. 


In most cases you can work up to 29 hours a week and continue to receive part of your DSP. 
DSP worker
DSP Job Seeker Meeting


Your DSP will reduce to zero for every week you work over 30 hours. If you continuously work over 30 hours a week for a year, your DSP will be suspended. However, the payment is held open for up to two years in case you need to access it again. 


You’ll still be able to use your Concession Card for one year after your DSP payments stop. 
DSP Worker

Example Weekly Income

Based on a salary of $21 per hour, before tax, and DSP payment of $882.20 per fortnight.

* Payment reduced due to earning over $180 per week. Minimum wage and DSP payments are reviewed yearly in line with the Federal Minimum Wage and Department of Health and Social Security requirements.

"Everything about it - the communication, friendliness, the effort that the employment consultant actually puts in to help you find a job, just overall has been a really great experience.”

Suzana - job seeker registered with CoAct

We're with you every step of the way

If you are eligible for DES, register with CoAct and we can support you with:
  • Building confidence and motivation to start (or continue) with your job search
  • Getting the training and qualifications you need
  • Helping connect you with local employers who understand your needs
  • Helping you to find and apply for jobs in your local community

Help to get the right job sooner

Our team can help you overcome any challenges to finding a job so that you can enjoy the benefits of being part of the workforce.

Through our network, we deliver specialist community and employment services with plenty of personalised support.
Job seeker Working at the grocery store
Finding a job at a factory

CoAct is here for you

Our team understands disability and will work hard to help you find a job. We’ll connect you with medical professionals, employers and training opportunities. We’ll also guide you on how to look for jobs and help you build your confidence.
And, don’t worry, we don’t stop supporting you when you’ve got a job. We’re here for you during the first twelve months of your new role and check in often to help you grow and thrive. 
About CoAct
CoAct is a national partnership of for-purpose Service Partners, working together to make a difference in the lives of everyday Australians through employment services and community activation.
Contact us
Freecall: 1800 226 228
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